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Unspoken Word

       Hello! I am Dewi Hajar Rahmawati Ali. I am an English Studies program of Universitas Indonesia. I was born in Cirebon, on 16 January 2002. I am writing this portfolio when I am 20 years old. Yes, I am writing it in my findings decades. As in my finding decades, I often questioned the meaning of my life, especially as a girl. Growing up as the first daughter in my family makes me feel a lot of problems within women. I remember that every morning, my mother will wake me up to do my daily activities 'as a women' such as cleaning the house, washing clothes and dishes, and even cooking for everyone in the morning. All of those activities are a women's role (according to what my mom and grandma said). Thus, I don't agree with this statement up to now. Those activities are actually a basic life skill that should be done by everyone without seeing their gender.

       As I grow up, I often accept some logical fallacy about being a woman. Every time I am studying and getting any achievements, people around will say that being educated and smart just wasting my time. 


"In the end, I will just be a mom. So, the thing that is important for me is learning about how to clean the house, how to make my husband happy all the time, and how to prepare meals every day for my family when I marry."


       The first thing I highlighted from those statements is they have no right to determine my future. It is my right to determine what I am will be. I can freely choose whether to be a career woman, being a mother, or being both of them. Second, if I choose for being a mom and wife, it is not just my right to learn about how to clean the house and any other things that people have related to the women, but also my husband-to-be. That basic life is not just the responsibility of women, but also a man. These cases was being my reason for choosing 'women empowerment as my theme of the portfolio.

       As stated by Dian Sastrowardoyo, women empowerment is when women are capable and useful for others. I have always believed that educated women will definitely create the next generation who are also be educated and give tremendous progress for the country. One of the things for a nation to be developed is very dependent on how educated the nation is. In this case, women are the key. 

       We also have to remember that women also have a right to determine their lives. And it is just the same with man. If a woman wants to be a housewife, as long as it's her choice, let her choose. If a woman doesn't want to get married, let her choose. If a woman does not want to have children, let her choice because it is her right. For that, let women choose their way of life. Let women get the highest education. Let women get the same treatment as the men out there. Women are figures who give birth to civilization. It is impossible if we continue to allow our mother of civilization to suffer injustice. Let her voice be heard and echoed.



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Why do women empowerment is important?

We have some reason about why the women empowerment is important. You can find the answers in the literature interpretation. Happy reading!

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